I've gone from three possible suitors to zero in a matter of days. And it's my own fault.
I thought going on dates with two guys was enough, so when I heard from a third, I felt like I would be cheating on the others. Plus it was unfair on him. After I had replied to his initial email, I let him know there was someone else I was keen on.
He thanked me for my honesty and now it's bitten me in the arse.
In a matter of days the guy I was keen on turned out not to have any balls and tell me he wasn't interested, another hit it off with another girl (didn't realise he was dating others?) and I blew off the third.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
But tonight I decided to get back on the horse so I changed my profile a little and my main photo.
I must not be attracting the right types of people. Where in my profile does it say I want to be stood up, or I'll go on a date with the girl, then lead her on. Or my favourite, let's not contact her again. Ever.
I know the saying you've got to be in it to win it applies here but at what stage do you weigh up at what price?
A friend said this online dating caper was a hobby - and it is. I spend a lot of time (well, not as much as I used to) looking at people's profiles (apparently I have more than 600 matches....) and of course seeing who has contacted me.
It comes in peaks and troughs. Just when I'm about to close my account and settle with being single for the foreseeable future, I get a little interest from guys and my mood picks up again.
But then when there are times like this, when there is noone interested (or anyone I'd like) I wonder why I've put myself out there.
I have to share with you a profile I saw tonight. This guy managed to insult me even though we hadn't met.
He basically said if my idea of fun was to jump out of a plane (it is) then we wouldn't get along because he is looking for an intelligent and thoughtful person who follows their passion in life.
Apparently I'm not thoughtful, intelligent and shouldn't follow my passion.
I was also contacted by guy (41) who I had rejected back in June. Dude, I didn't like you then (and pretty sure your age hasn't changed), so don't try your luck a second time.
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