Monday, May 31, 2021

He's Just Not That Into You (Me)

A number of weeks after my last chat with the matchmaking company I get a call telling me they have a match for me.

I wasn't very excited and didn't hold much hope after their three failed matches.

But I put on a brave face and headed out on a Friday night to meet this guy.

He was cute (enough), dark haired which I don't usually go for.

The setting wasn't great - it was a brewery in the 'burbs and there were kids running around while their parents were oblivious.

But as night fell, the kids (and parents) retired and left us in peace.

It took a good hour for me to relax and feel comfortable around this guy.

The more we chatted the more I realised we were both problem children with the matchmaking company so they thought it best to match us.

You see, we wouldn't have been matched under normal circumstances. He paid top price for his subscription which means the matchmakers were looking at all the female profiles for him.

Whereas I paid the base rate and should only have been matched with guys who paid the same.

But...turns out we'd both complained about the poor matchmaking so much they decided to put us together. 

And it worked...for a short time.

The first date lasted a few hours. He walked me to the car, we both agreed we'd had a good time and were keen to catch up again.

There weren't sparks (these can be overrated) but thought I'd give him a go - afterall they matched us for a reason, right?

Over the next week we were messaging and talking each day (something I don't usually do - talk on the phone with guys I don't know well).

He seemed really genuine. He was the type to send me a message to say he was thinking about me. And it wasn't just a line.

I'd been keen to try a new axe throwing place (yep, you read right) so suggested it for a second date the following week.

Turns out we both had the Friday night free before our axe throwing so I went to his place to watch scary movies (as you do).

Had a good night, I stayed and when I left the next morning he was acting a little off.

We were catching up again to go axe throwing, which we did, but he was still a little off.

The next night I get a very long-winded text telling me he had to be honest with me, he wasn't feeling the attraction, wished he felt different. Said we had great chemistry and got along like a house on fire and could talk for crazy amounts of time but he didn't feel what he was looking for.

And it goes on and on and on.

Said he didn't use me to sleep with me because that couldn't be further from the truth but women always seem to think that.

(Sounds like his M-O).

But that's not the best part. Think my favourite part was when he said he was happy to answer any questions I might have about why he feels like this but at the end of the day he's looking to be happy just like everyone else. He wasn't out to hurt people.

Sounded like he was on a judging panel - happy to answer any questions the audience had.

It took my better judgement not to reply to his message. Didn't acknowledge it all together.

And that my friends, sums up my matchmaking experience.