Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Honesty is not always the best policy

I'm the first to tell a white lie, especially if you can spare someone's feelings in the process.

I had a first date recently and a second was on the cards - in fact it was locked in for one particular Sunday at 11am.

He'd suggested lawn bowls (it was in my bio) and I was very much looking forward to a game or two.

Hadn't played in 18 months and it's a rare sport (?!) that I'm quite good at.

We'd been messaging up until 7.15pm on the Friday night - everything was in place for the Sunday.

I received a text at 4.15pm on the Saturday which started with "Hey Barbara, I'm really sorry but..."

I didn't really need to read anymore, no texts starting like that end well.

The guy then proceeds to tell me he had a date last night and it's actually still going (like even he's surprised) and this was the first chance he'd had to message me.

He didn't plan this, thanks for my understanding (, mate) and being amazing.

Look, yes I'm a great catch but spending four hours with me on a first date wouldn't have been long enough for him to see how "amazing" I was.

He said all this to make HIMSELF feel better. Not me.

I stopped myself from replying I wasn't understanding, but instead I said that's disappointing but I guess (?) thanks for being honest.

Look, I get he liked someone better than me.

That's not the issue I have here.

He didn't need to spell out he'd been on a date for the past 12+ hours (presumably they spent the night together).

We'd been messaging up until 7.15pm that night so he's messaged me planning the Sunday date before he went on another date.

I just think it was a dick move.

I've received a lot of questionable messages over my 8+ years of online dating and sharing my stories here.

Have to admit, this one hit for a six.

I was really sad and depleted the rest of the afternoon and even found myself heading to bed at 9.15pm on a Saturday night. I don't even go to bed that early on a school night!

I would have preferred he messaged me saying he'd enjoyed our first date but didn't see things going any further and wished me well.

I've said that before and will continue to let people down easily.

Afterall honesty is not always the best policy.