Tuesday, December 31, 2019

You Date Me, You Date My Cat

As I sit here on the last day of 2019 I reflect on my year of online dating.

I'm not gonna lie, it's been the worst in six years I've been online dating. I'm not sure if I just don't have the patience anymore or whether the guys are just not putting any effort into getting to know me.

But either way, I've had enough.

A recent date told me cats were a deal breaker for him. We hadn't met yet and I found this out the night before. I told him I have a cat and that seemed to be an issue for him.

Now I know not everyone likes cats (that's fine) but I would never expect someone to say it's a deal breaker. Deal breakers for me are ex husbands/wives/girlfriends/boyfriends, someone who does drugs, has been in jail. You get the drift.

But a cat?

My first thought was no wonder this guys is in his late 30s and is still single if he considers a cat a deal breaker.

He was telling me he didn't like anyone touching his feet and didn't want a cat to bite his feet...ummmm...okay.

Going against my better judgement (which never works) I met up with him and immediately wished I hadn't.

It was clear he hadn't even showered after work and was still wearing his suit. Not in a sexy 'he's wearing a suit for the date' kind of way. He was too lazy to put any effort in.

He had plenty of time to shower too - where we met was within walking distance for him (where I had to pay a $35 Uber fare).

He was trying to be funny and wasn't. I felt uncomfortable and the whole time was trying to think of an out.

More than an hour in I go to the bathroom, check my phone for messages and decide now is the time to lie to get out of here.

I go back to the table and say I'd had a call from my neighbour who'd had a bad day and I had to get home to see how she was doing.

I felt a little bad about the lie, but I just had to get out of there.

This guy obviously didn't pick up what I was putting down because when we were saying goodbye he asked for a kiss. Luckily I thought on my feet and said I don't kiss on the first date (another lie).

My Uber was 1 min away so I jumped in, he left and that was that.

That's the last time I go on a date with someone who thinks cats are a deal breaker.

So goodbye 2019 and all the terrible dates I've been on. Ironically, I've been on less dates this year than past years, but the ones I've had have not been worth my time.

Here's to 2020 and meeting some better quality men (who like cats!).