Saturday, July 6, 2024

Low-stakes date

Recently I went on a low-stakes date, and I gotta say, I'm a fan.

I went in with a clear exit strategy.

I'd stay for a couple of hours - this gave me plenty of time to suss the guy out - and him, me.

I also didn't get as dressed up as I usually do. Didn't even curl my hair, shock, horror!

I instantly felt at ease as soon as I met him. Perhaps taking the pressure off myself helped?

I'm sure it didn't hurt.

I was hell bent on not sharing a dinner with him like he was so persistent about.

We met at 4pm - a great time to see each other in the daylight and I could also make tracks in the daylight too, if need be!

The guy made his intentions clear about wanting to go on a second date (always a good sign). This also takes some of the pressure off too.

He was clear with his intentions.

Asked if he could hold my hand.

Messaged after we left, like he said he would.

This was followed with a really strong second date three days later. Apart from him forgetting his credit card and I had to pick up the tab for dinner and drinks ..... he assured me he'd transfer the money (which he didn't).

Unfortunately this story doesn't have us walking into the sunset hand in hand, but it did show me I can - and should - go into first dates with a lot less expectation (particularly on myself).

From now on, I aim to be less hung up about what he thought of me, rather what I thought of him and how he made me feel.

So here's to more low-stakes dates in my future!

I'm getting closer to feeling the magic of love again.

1 comment:

  1. Forgot his credit card pfft , more like deliberately left it at home.
