Thursday, January 23, 2025

Boyfriend privileges

Have you heard of the boyfriend and husband privileges theory?

There are certain things you shouldn't do unless they are your boyfriend or husband.

For example, picking them up from the airport, cooking them an elaborate meal, buying birthday presents, using pet names, helping them pick out what to wear, changing your plans for them, posting pics together, the list is long.

These are gestures some would say are only reserved for someone who is your boyfriend or husband.

I've found myself giving someone boyfriend privileges when they are far from it. Not sure they are even in the same postcode.

And the realisation hit hard.

I'm a caring person and like looking after others - sometimes to my own detriment.

Who is looking out for me? Cooking me dinners? Changing their plans for me? Wanting to hear about my day?

I have confused short-term lust for long-term commitment.

But that stops now.

I've known for a few years I want to get married (but no kids, thanks!). I also know I want the guy to make me a priority, think of me before he makes plans and wants to get out and explore with me.

I shouldn't feel like I don't deserve these normal things.

But somehow I do.

I always downplay my plans to get married (in the next two years please!). I make a joke about it. But I am deadly serious.

I need to stop sitting on the sidelines and get in the game. No one else is going to do it for me.

I'm my biggest advocate, but also biggest critic.

I am ready to feel the magic of love again. It's been far too long.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Star sign swiping

This year as I created and deleted, created and deleted profiles on dating apps I decided to take a different tact.

I started swiping right only on compatible star signs with mine.

Crazy, I know, but thought I'd give myself a head start on people who should be more compatible with me.

It may sound ridiculous to those who don't believe in astrology, but it's something that gives me comfort.

I believe there are reasons why we get along better with some people, and not others.

Some things are out of our control.

And some things aren't.

But I'm talking about the big-ticket items like shared values, common goals and interests.

Compatibility is a big one and sometimes no matter how hard you try, you're just not compatible with that person.

Whether it be a friendship or relationship, sometimes there are things out of our control.

So yes, I may be swiping from a smaller pool of fish, but I'd like to think the odds will be in my favour.

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Sunday guy

Sundays have been my least favourite day of the week for as long as I can remember.

I guess it's my version of the Sunday scaries.

Something that has always given me confidence is I'm going to meet someone who I'll share my Sundays with and won't feel like it's me against the world anymore.

I've recently reconnected with a guy I haven't seen in awhile and it makes me think I'd love to fill my Sunday gap.

How fabulous would it be to share my least favourite day with someone and actually look forward to the week ahead.

Instead, I think about how another week has passed and I'm still in the same situation I was the previous week.

But it also got me thinking - is this guy Sunday material?

I think my heart knows maybe not, but my head hasn't gotten there yet.

It's still hoping for the happily ever after I didn't get with him the first time, or even second.

And I'm not sure I'm getting it this time either.

However, it does feel different, just not sure if it's Sunday different.

But the difference this time around? If it's not this guy, there will be another Sunday guy and that's something to put a smile on my face thinking about.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Low-stakes date

Recently I went on a low-stakes date, and I gotta say, I'm a fan.

I went in with a clear exit strategy.

I'd stay for a couple of hours - this gave me plenty of time to suss the guy out - and him, me.

I also didn't get as dressed up as I usually do. Didn't even curl my hair, shock, horror!

I instantly felt at ease as soon as I met him. Perhaps taking the pressure off myself helped?

I'm sure it didn't hurt.

I was hell bent on not sharing a dinner with him like he was so persistent about.

We met at 4pm - a great time to see each other in the daylight and I could also make tracks in the daylight too, if need be!

The guy made his intentions clear about wanting to go on a second date (always a good sign). This also takes some of the pressure off too.

He was clear with his intentions.

Asked if he could hold my hand.

Messaged after we left, like he said he would.

This was followed with a really strong second date three days later. Apart from him forgetting his credit card and I had to pick up the tab for dinner and drinks ..... he assured me he'd transfer the money (which he didn't).

Unfortunately this story doesn't have us walking into the sunset hand in hand, but it did show me I can - and should - go into first dates with a lot less expectation (particularly on myself).

From now on, I aim to be less hung up about what he thought of me, rather what I thought of him and how he made me feel.

So here's to more low-stakes dates in my future!

I'm getting closer to feeling the magic of love again.

Saturday, May 25, 2024


My energy feels calm. There's no other way to describe it.

It's been a long time - I can't even remember the last time - since I've felt this way.

And you know what? It feels good. It feels right. It feels like I deserve this.

A month ago I would never have thought - dreamed - I would feel like this.

And I couldn't be more grateful.

I've come a long way in the last five months. Professionally, personally and mentally.

And I don't have anyone to credit but myself.

I've always been my own advocate. Lord knows there hasn't been a boyfriend to rely on for that.

But I also don't think we need to, or should, have others validate you.

Lately I've been feeling like the guy is getting close to being in my orbit, or reality.

Like I can feel his presence in the not-too-distant future.

And I'm excited.

I've waited a very long time to find my match.

Someone who puts as much effort in as I do, who considers me when making plans, who likes cats!

I'm looking for a doer - like me.

Someone who is ready to explore and embrace life with me.

I'm ready.

My next chapter is about to begin.

Here's to the magic of love.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

F1 fever

I have to admit, F1 fever has finally hit me.

When Netflix announced a new season of Drive to Survive starting a few weeks ago I thought I'd check it out. No idea why - just thought I'd give it a go.

And I loved it! One episode in and I was hooked!

I've spent the better part of the past three weeks watching all six seasons and now feel I have a better understanding of F1.

I've also recently joined online dating again and thought my F1 knowledge might be of benefit when chatting to guys.

I've told them I've been watching, but no one really wanted to ask me more than that (quite disappointing as I'm willing to tell anymore who'll listen!).

I can't win!

But I didn't jump on the F1 bandwagon for a date. It's something that's come my way quite organically and unexpectedly. And I'm here for it.

We have a old family friend who's been a rev head for many years and I spent more than an hour-and-a-half chewing his ear off last week learning as much as I can about F1.

Even he was impressed with my knowledge in such a short time!

I best be off - want to see who wins the Australian Grand Prix!

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Like the first time

As I stepped outside there was a thickness in the summer air that just felt like love.

I inhaled every single breath.

All of a sudden I had this overwhelming feeling about how nice it would be to be with a boyfriend experiencing this, at-times-balmy, Brisbane night together.

I was grateful to be out of the house with my friend, of course, don't get me wrong.

But with a significant other, it really hits different.

But it made me wonder about the possibilities I was finally feeling so many years after my boyfriend and I broke up.

I lost myself in the break-up and it's taken a really long time to feel anything again.

But I feel I'm there - ready to experience it all again - like the first time - but for the last time.