Monday, April 18, 2022

Jumping off the dating carousel

In case you are wondering - I did end up messaging that guy I talked about last time.

And as predicted, he wasn't looking for anything serious. In fact he was so happy with how his life was (at age 44) it didn't seem like he'd make any changes for anyone.

Or at least not me.

Either way, I wasn't hanging around for the chance he might change his mind.

I just wish he was honest and said look I've been enjoying spending time with you too, but I'm not looking for anything long-term and you deserve someone who can give you what you want.

Instead I got a long-winded reply that didn't say a lot.

Said he was time poor and was enjoying not having any pressure on himself "in this part of his life."

He feels expectations that are pedetermined are a recipe for disappointment as continuing relationships can be a test at the best of times.

Didn't sound like a guy ready to start a relationship.

I guess I was foolish to think he would tell me what I needed to hear and that was he liked me, but didn't like me.

Whatever this "thing" we had was, it wasn't serving me and I didn't need it in my life anymore.

I do find myself with more time now, not wondering if/when I'm going to see him.

I have absolute clarity my emotions aren't being toyed with by this guy anymore.

It's a good feeling.

Until I realise I'm back on the dating carousel wondering when I'm going to jump off for the last time.